Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am nursing a major case of carpal tunnel and really need to step away from the computer for a bit.  I'm afraid that means posting will be light over the next few weeks.

Not necessarily a bad thing, as I'm up to my ears in construction details {we're in the midst of moving in!}.  And I've also got a couple of vacations planned {one is for the big four-O I'm quickly approaching} ... oh! and a photography workshop this weekend in Chicago with Me Ra & Brian Koh {can. not. wait!!!}.

I love posting daily and finding things that inspire me, so I'm sad to slow down.  And chances are, you'll hear from me more often than I should be posting.  I always chuckle when someone says they'll be taking a break and then start posting the next day.  That'll probably be me!

Til later ...


Brittany | the Home Ground said...

Carpal Tunnel! Run away!

I'm sorry your wristies are hurting. I hope you heal them quick! I'll miss your posts :(

Perfect timing for your vacations, too, jeez...

baby r.t. and house too said...

Oh no! I am going to go through blog withdrawl. What is really important of course is that you feel better.

And have a fabulous birthday(early)!! Kira

Anonymous said...

SO jealous about the Me Roh conference! My husband actually nominated me for the free remaining spot a few months ago (clearly I didn't win...boo). Can't wait to hear how it went!