So I'm at the pool and ... What's this? Mommy's got a text ... WHAT'S THIS? LEANN RIMES IS IN THE STORE!! How in the world do these things pass me by? Although ... I did get to ride in an elevator with Nicholas Cage once! Man, is he tall!
Anyhoo ... LeAnn was gracious enough to pose with Emily AND she agreed to let us blog about it. {thank you Ms. Rimes!}. Of course the store was in a tizzy and I needed to call in asap to get the details. Word is she's as cute as ever, had just come from yoga, and was in need of some greeting cards and gift wrap.
And there, my friends, is your E! News of the day ... happy weekend!
WOW.... this is big, huge, huger than the last huge!!! does one's business get any better than that??? your store has officially been "STARred"!!!!
congrats sis, BWP is big time!!!
I started the hysteria....I asked her if she was finding everything she was looking for and she smiled and said politely "yes". Then I stepped away and thought to myself that it looked like her and asked other co-workers if she was playing at Summerfest. Sure enough, she had performed the night before. I had to tell everybody that she was in the store! A star encounter on my last day @ BWP, what a perfect ending!
She was sooo nice and very tiny in person!
Congrats! That is awesome! Also, I love that everytime I order from you (since I live on the east coast) my package comes neatly wrapped with a hand written note! An excellent touch of quality service. Thank you.
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