Friday, August 22, 2008

support for nienie ...

{photo courtesy of design mom}

As is my usual MO, I can't remember where I first read about this ... but when I did, it touched me deeply.  I've been seeing the news pop up on a few more blogs here and there and am amazed {though I probably shouldn't be} at how the blog community is reacting with love, support and most importantly prayers.

Stephanie {Nie} and her husband, Christian were in a private plane crash and remain in critical {burn} condition.  Christian's flight instructor was killed in the crash.  The engine in the plane stalled shortly after takeoff and landed in a wood pile.  c jane has a link on her blog to the news story ... it shows a very vivid picture of the crash site that gives me chills.

I have my private pilot's license.  My husband is a private pilot and to impress him during our days of dating, I decided to get mine too.  I think a short skirt would've done the trick ... but no, that's ambitious me ...

The last flight I ever took {as pilot} was July 12, 2001.  I took off from a small Wisconsin airport with the intention of flying to Madison.  My mom, aunt and cousin were all on board.  It was a super windy day, but the wind was right down the runway {no cross wind} so I thought I'd be fine.  I radioed the tower with my intended destination and requested permission to takeoff.  Once I received clearance, I headed down the runway ... just before takeoff speed {and before I was ready}, our little plane took off.  The wind had gotten me at just the wrong time and put my plane in the air.  I was freaked out ... big time!  The stall horn came on, my heart was racing and I was freaking out.  My instincts must have kicked in {or maybe is was the Big Guy holding me}, but I somehow knew enough to keep the plane level and stop climbing and fortunately, the horn stopped and I gained control of the plane and my airspeed.

My hands are honestly sweating as I'm typing this ...


Once I gained control of my breathing, I circled back toward the landing pattern and called the tower for permission to land.  "That was the fastest trip to Madison I've ever seen," he said.  I landed safely, parked the plane, thanked God, and walked away from that little hobby.

So that was pretty rambly of me ... it just scares me sometimes to think of the 'what-if' scenario.  And to hear Stephanie's story ... it just makes me pretty sad, and I guess thankful all at the same time.  Stephanie and Christian have four small children.  They have months of recovery ahead of them.  Their children are going to a different state to be with relatives while their parents heal ... please, won't you join me in praying for them?

I was excited to see this post today and decided for next week's weekend greeting, I'm going to do a silent auction too.  I think it'll be an awesome way we can all show our support.

I also want to spread the word for any of you that have blogs that would want to host an auction too.  {please email me if you would like me to donate a prize to your auction}.  If you don't have a blog, or don't want to host an auction, please see Design Mom's post for some other ways you can help.

I don't know what I'm going to give yet for a prize, but I promise it will be greater than great!  And instead of posting next Friday {for the weekend greeting}, I'm going to start the silent auction on Thursday.  I'll let you know what the prize is and what the rules are at that time.

I urge, urge, urge you to get involved and help ... it's the least we can do.

1 comment:

Ashley Thalman said...

i love all of this coming together and helping! good luck. hopefully we will all have a good turn out. i linked you on my blog and cannot wait to see what you announce...